Metaverse Learning Platform
Metaverse Learning Platform
XR Program Platform
XR Program Platform
XR Live
VR real-time lecture
(communication) platform
XR Live
VR real-time lecture (communication) platform
"Van Gogh's Cafe Terrace"
Development of VR art education
"Van Gogh's Cafe Terrace"
Development of VR art education
Cheongdahm Learning
Metaverse platform Bouncy development
Cheongdahm Learning
Metaverse platform Bouncy development
National Folk Museum
Development of Korean Lifetime
National Folk Museum
Development of Korean Lifetime
Samsung Junior Engineering
Academy AR Activity Development
Samsung Junior Engineering Academy AR Activity Development
SSAFY AR App Development
SSAFY AR App Development
Korea Information Society Agency
Development of VR-based
IT education contents for the elderly
Korea Information Society Agency
Development of VR-based IT education contents for the elderly
Department of Defense
VR Mental Power
Education Content Development
Department of Defense
VR Mental Power Education Content Development
Hyundai Motor
Development of i30
AR product education
Hyundai Motor
Development of i30 AR product education
Hyundai Motor
Development of technology
education AR learning contents
Hyundai Motor
Development of technology education AR learning contents
Hyundai Motor
Genesis AR pop-up store
Hyundai Motor
Genesis AR pop-up store
Sunchon National University
AR student gamification
SCNU Picks development
Sunchon National University
AR student gamification SCNU Picks development
Sunchon National University
AR freshman gamification
SCNU Picks development
Sunchon National University
AR freshman gamification SCNU Picks development
Nakdonggang Biological Resources
“My friend who lives in the water”
AR Book development
Nakdonggang Biological Resources
“My friend who lives in the water” AR Book development
Coding Genius AR Development
Coding Genius AR Development
Doosan, Interpark
Development and operation
of team building
Doosan, Interpark
Development and operation of team building
Jeju World Natural Heritage Center
World Cultural Heritage
JejuKorea University of
Technology and Education
Jeju World Natural Heritage Center
World Cultural Heritage Jeju Korea University of Technology and Education
Korea University of
Technology and Education
Development of VR job training contents
Korea University of Technology and Education
Development of VR job training contents
Korea Education and Research
Information Service
Safety education VR content development
Korea Education and Research Information Service
Safety education VR content development
Cheongdam Learning
Real-time video lecture viewer
digital textbook development
Cheongdam Learning
Real-time video lecture viewer digital textbook development
Cheongdam Learning
English education authoring tool
and viewer development
Cheongdam Learning
English education authoring tool and viewer development
Cheongdam Learning
Development of Chunktoon,
an English learning application
Cheongdam Learning
Development of Chunktoon, an English learning application
Genius textbook
Development of the gallery,
a metabus art education service
Genius textbook
Development of the gallery, a metabus art education service