XR Learning

We Innovated XR and METAVERSE business for the first time,
developing platforms and pioneering XR learning
with sufficient experience and expertise.
We Innovated XR and METAVERSE business for the first time, developing platforms and pioneering XR learning with sufficient experience and expertise.

    XR-based convergent educational program 'XR BOOK'

    Is a customized learning program with NEWKL's know-how XR technology and expertise based on the reflection and growth of individuals, relationships, and organizations through the humanities. Available both online and offline, XR Interactive Contents and Reflection Writing Work Book are adopted by public institutions and companies.
    Is a customized learning program with NEWKL's know-how XR technology and expertise based on the reflection and growth of individuals, relationships, and organizations through the humanities. Available both online and offline, XR Interactive Contents and Reflection Writing Work Book are adopted by public institutions and companies.

    METAVERSE Learning Platform

    Provides varied experience contents as themed Space itself applied edutainment elements and functions specialized for lectures and learning communication. Through NEWKL’s unrivaled patented technology in extended reality-based learning platform.
    Provides varied experience contents as themed Space itself applied edutainment elements and functions specialized for lectures and learning communication. Through NEWKL’s unrivaled patented technology in extended reality-based learning platform.

    XR-based VR real-time network technology 'XR LIVE'

    Is an independent learning platform with NEWKL’s patented technology that enables remote communication in VR and real-time networking virtual space.
    Is an independent learning platform with NEWKL’s patented technology that enables remote communication in VR and real-time networking virtual space.

    XR-based psychotherapy program

    Is a program for individuals to receive psychological treatment more safely and comfortably Through using NEWKL’s patented technology of extended reality-based learning platform.
    Is a program for individuals to receive psychological treatment more safely and comfortably Through using NEWKL’s patented technology of extended reality-based learning platform.
XR Learning Introduction


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Newkl Co. will destroy the collected information when the answer is completed after collection. Collected personal information is not provided to third parties.